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Craft Life

Fall into Autumn: Embrace Change with Positivity, Creativity, and Smart Planning

Fall into Autumn: Embrace Change with Positivity, Creativity, and Smart Planning

Autumn's Warm Embrace: Nostalgia, Nature Walks, and Joys Do you say 'Autumn' or 'Fall'? I can see why the Americans say 'Fall', although I'm guessing  it's because of the leaves falling from the trees. I might check that out.. There may be a different reason altogether. The topic of Autumn and Fall reminds me of a childhood poem I wrote for school. My friend's school as it happens. I came up with it when she had a challenge set by her teacher to write a poem with four particular words included.. 'Blowing', 'Floating', 'Falling' and 'Building'. I remember we were...

Learn How to Pose for Photos Casually or in Photo Shoots

Learn How to Pose for Photos Casually or in Photo Shoots

Looking good in photos is more about attitude and less about looks. It can be very disappointing to see yourself in photo after photo looking less than your best or worse still, looking completely terrible. Awful squirmy pictures showing off your insecurity and exagerating your faults etc. Aghh. This is made worse by the fact that everyone is so snap happy these days with their phones out all the time. Some people seem to have it all sorted out and look like models in every shot. Frustrating right? Let me tell you something interesting. Anybody can look good in photos. ...

How to Take Great Family Photos at Home

How to Take Great Family Photos at Home

Can you take great family photos without a professional photographer or a great camera? The short answer is yes. It's easy to take great family photos with a bit of know how. You can make huge improvements by taking on just a few hints and tips. These tips will improve your photographic abilities enough to give you a little more confidence when you are recording your memories. It will be less of a gamble for you.   Knowing how to take better photos is a great advantage when you have a growing family. The average family takes hundreds if not...

Famous Female Artists - How Many Can You List?

Amanda Coen

Tags famous female artists, female artists, women artists

Famous Female Artists - How Many Can You List?

Who are Your Favourite Artists? That's easy to answer even if you are not passionate about art or creativity in general. Some names are hard to miss even amidst all the noise. After that ask yourself who else do you know but whose work you do not like amongst artists. The look and see of all of these two lists how many are female? Then how many are famous female artists who changed the course of history in any way. The further you go into it the harder it gets. I thought I was going to do a little piece...

Creating Art is Possible By Inviting Our Creative Minds

Amanda Coen

Tags Creating Art, Creative Minds, How to be creative

Creating Art is Possible By Inviting Our Creative Minds

'Can Anyone be Creative?' This is a question often asked. Usually by people who think they can't draw but have a fond wish to be in that coveted 'circle'. Knowing how to draw is really only a tiny part of creativity and you know, humans are creative by nature. Otherwise how on earth have we managed to get to where we are as a race for starters? I intend to get into that part of things, but first I would like to bring your attention to the fact that our creativity shows when we think, rationalise and come up with...