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Craft Life

Funky Felt Brooches - How are they made?

Funky Felt Brooches - How are they made?

If you're anything like me then you're curious about how things are made. You don't just want to know the name of the process. You may wonder how exactly a thing is done. As they say in the Figrolls ad, 'How do they get the figs into the Figrolls?' You would probably wonder if you could possibly do it yourself. Do you identify with this? Perhaps you are drawn by the creative challenge and perhaps you like exploring new horizons often from the comfort of your own imagination, that is, and kitchen table. Maybe you're attracted to pretty and colourful things and...

Animal Lovers - Sunbeams of Summer Part 2

Amanda Coen

Tags Sunbeams of Summer 2

Animal Lovers - Sunbeams of Summer Part 2

Hi, as I mentioned in the first part of this blog, this time in my gift guide, although florals will feature greatly of course, I have focused on creatures. Yes, animals, birds, insects, and such. I will gather all the lovely nature-inspired pieces on the website in addition to my new additions to create a beautiful guide through all of the unique handmade gifts and stunning art cards. It will be called, quite befittingly I believe, my ‘Sunbeams of Summer Gift Guide’. Having thought about and talked about it, I have decided not to include paintings in the gift guides...

Animal Lovers - Sunbeams of Summer Gift Collections

Animal Lovers - Sunbeams of Summer Gift Collections

Hi there, It's an overcast May morning in the west of Ireland. The cats are lazing dreamily all around, and there's that slow burgeoning feeling in the air that it's about to pour down with rain, but it can't, not just yet. I love this weather; it really reflects how I feel inside today. I'm so excited about my upcoming 'Sunbeams of Summer' gift guide that I can hardly focus on one thing at a time. I want it to burst forth on all fronts like the sloppy heavy rain of Summer, and it is, theoretically at least. It's all...

The Guises and Sources of Creative Inspiration

Amanda Coen

Comments 2

The Guises and Sources of Creative Inspiration

Hi there, Are you feeling inspired at the moment? Let me tell you that I am, finally. Not for the first time, but for a while there I had been feeling a little worn out and lacking a little in the inspiration department. Inspiration can be nebulous sometimes. Don't you think? You can kind of make out what's there but on closer inspection it is nothing but vapour and too hard to nail down. I feel at odds with myself when I don't feel inspired because it leaks into all aspects of life. I fight to get back on track....

The Mystery in Whispers of Spring - Part 2

Amanda Coen

The Mystery in Whispers of Spring - Part 2

It's a mystery how things come to be, isn't it. Like us. The fact we were born at all, given the chances, is mysterious when you think of it. It's a bit like that for handmade creations and paintings too or anything at all we decide to put out into the world. To begin with only a fraction of ideas come to fruition & even considering that, there is an abundance of creativity on display all over the world. However, not every thought design or idea is developed into full being & for me there must be a good reason....