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Noreen Sadler the Constant Artist and Champion of Hard Working Women

Amanda Coen

Noreen Sadler - Constant Artist

Noreen Sadler's Art Exhibition as part of The Mayo Fleadh Cheoil 2023 - Parade Handmade

'Renowned Westport artist Noreen Sadler officially opened her Mayo Fleadh Cheoil Art Exhibition at the Clew Bay Hotel on Monday, May 8th at 8 pm.' It runs for the month of May. 

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Noreen Sadler busy at work in her studio in Westport Co. Mayo - Parade Handmade Ireland
Noreen Sadler Busy at Work

Noreen, seen above in her studio, painted the beautiful landscape image, one of my favourite paintings. Crocuses in bloom with a backdrop of typically Irish snow capped mountains just coming into Spring. So beautiful. Her style is eclectic. Her work is influenced by cultural themes and natural observation. Her work inspires.

Sprin Crocuses Original Acrylic Painting by Noreen Sadler - Parade Handmade

 'Spring Crocuses' 

Anseo is the Name of Her Art Gallery

“ANSEO” was the name chosen by Noreen Sadler to launch her home art gallery in recent years. The name, meaning “Here” in Irish was a nod to the school morning 'roll – call' reply, of the school children in Cogaula National School, where Noreen taught for most of her life. She toyed briefly with the title 'WOR-ST', as it was  both a (WOR)kshop and a (ST)udio combined. Her family raised their eyebrows at that. End of!

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Cartoons & Doodles

Starting at an early age, Noreen admits that her school books and copies were adorned with faces, cartoons and doodles.

There was no period in her life when she didn’t make time to draw or paint except perhaps when her four children came along. She had to draw on her reserves of energy at that period! 

She hasn’t clung to any particular style. Some of her work is factual, depicting scenery and flowers (her husband is an avid gardener). She paints scenes from the past especially from old Mayo photographs. 

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Art Inspiration

Woodland Glade Original Acrylic Painting by Noreen Sadler - Parade Handmade Ireland

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Noreen has her favourite painters and Irish painter Mainie Jellett is high on her list. Noreen found copying Mainie’s cubist style extremely challenging but rewarding.
Jack B. Yeats’s work is high on that list also. “You look at it first and see a swirling mass of colours but when you look closer figures and buildings emerge from the gloom. Magic!” she says.

Jobs for the girls art card by Noreen Sadler - Parade Handmade Ireland

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Sporting Heroes Like Mayo Gaelic Footballers

Sporting heroes like Mayo Gaelic footballers, rugby’s Brian O’ Driscoll and F1 racing’s Michael Schumacker have made their appearance on her canvases. (her favourite sport is FI racing!) 

Of late she has taken to depicting the hard work undertaken by women at home and on the land when they did not enjoy the physical comforts, labour – saving devices or medical know-how we take for granted today.

She cannot be loud enough in her praise of those great women. Her vividly coloured series entitled “Jobs for the Girls” is dedicated to them. 

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Lyric FM Suits Slow Meticulous Work

Listening to music as she paints helps to lose herself in the painting. Lyric FM suits slow meticulous work but she has wide ranging tastes. She loves ballads and sean-nos singing and can be heard joining in with gusto when she thinks no one is listening!  

 Acrylic paint is her favourite medium but she has worked in oils, water colour, pastels, inks and collage. She has taken part in various local exhibitions and her work hangs in many locations at home and abroad. Her hand- painted cards are much sought after.

Fáilte Romhat go dtí “ANSEO”

Noreen welcomes visitors gladly to her gallery at F28 E085 in Sheeaune, Westport on the old N5 route. Her mobile No. Is 087 2982694 and her email address is 


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