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Is every Printed Tote Bag a Sustainable Tote Bag?

Amanda Coen

Tags Tote bags

Eco Tote Bags are the 'Sustainable' Alternative


Eco Tote Bag, 'Dream a Little Dream', Art and Design by Parade - Parade Handmade

I love shopping bags. We always had a 'shopping bag' in the house when we were children. The same one for years. It was a navy heavy crochet number that was washable and very sturdy. Heavy enough on it's own. It was the one we went for the messages with. 'A pint of milk, ten Carrolls and a box of matches'. When the Smarties add came on the telly where all the Smartie packets tumble out on the road from a massive Smartie tube I always maintained  I'd get the navy shopping bag and fill it up to the top. Eventually it gave up the ghost having frayed too much, after what must have been thousands of outings and secure transportation of goods, to and from the shops.

Eco Tote Bag, 'Dream a Little Drea', Art and Design by Parade - Parade Handmade Ireland

If that were how today's eco tote bags or sustainable tote bags were used, we would be on the right track. Even, if we did it half like that. You see, part of what makes eco tote bags 'eco' or sustainable tote bags 'sustainable' is the number of times we actually reuse them. One would be forgiven for thinking that even one extra use, in comparison to the throw away plastic bag, would be a help towards sustainability, but that is not how it is at all. I have read that by not reusing your cotton eco tote bag for example, 327 times minimum or once every day for a year, your polypropylene plastic ones 26 times or your paper ones 7 times, then your effort is somewhat negated. Why? Because cotton or paper bags produce more carbon, waste and byproducts than plastic bags and have to be actually reused a lot, as is their purpose, to make the difference. We have to change our throw away culture to make it work.

Is Using a Plastic Carrier Bag or an Eco Tote Bag Better?

People are not reusing their organic tote bags or their printed tote bags etc enough. They often choose plastic ones anyway for many reasons. For a few bob you have a strong impromptu shopping bag, water proof and drip proof, that you can reuse as a bin or reuse few times to shop with. We all know the pros to plastic bags. We know the cons also, all too well.

Eco Tote Bag, 'It's Good to take little breaks', Art and Design by Parade - Parade Handmade Ireland

The printed tote bag with logos from the main supermarkets for example are often not that attractive, they are not water proof and they cost a few bob. Unless you are going to locate it each time you go shopping and use it over and over, there is no point in buying one. In this case, Eco wise, using a plastic bag is probably the better choice given the comparatively low ecological cost of a plastic bag in comparison to a cotton or Eco tote bag. You have got to use printed tote bags a lot to make them work for the environment.

It is important, if you wish to be Eco conscious, to buy with intent. Choose a good strong one or even two that you really like and can see yourself carrying around for the foreseeable.

That's where Parade Printed Tote Bags come in!

Our pretty printed tote bags are printed on demand after we have designed them with our art work. That means we will never have bags surplus to requirements.

When you choose an Eco tote bag, sustainable tote bag, organic tote bag or a printed all round polyester bag from our website, it is only after that, that it gets printed and sent to you hot off the press, from Europe if you live in Ireland. The print factory will be the closest one to your address worldwide. These print on demand products, have a longer shipping time, as production time is added  to postal time but they come with Free Postage/Shipping. We design fun, imaginative and sustainable tote bags and other accessories, from durable, sustainable materials, that are hopefully hard to tire from. We continue to develop our designs to suit different tastes. That way you can reuse your bag over and over so that you can be Eco conscious and still have your fun.

A Printed Tote Bag Challenge

I am going to set myself the challenge to buy two decent printed tote bags that I really see myself using for at least a year.

Art Print Tote Bag - Cafe Rendezvous - By Parade - Parade Handmade I envisage one will be a brightly coloured day bag that I can carry my laptop in with all the wires etc and the other a similar sized one say 15'' x 15'', more muted and sexy for evening or more glamorous wear..


 This is one of my favourites from our, 'Cafe Rendezvous', range of accessories. It is an organic cotton 16'' x 14.5'' x 5'' Eco Tote Bag with art and design by Parade.


There's lots of room for books and a laptop and it's good and strong.


Art Print Tote Bag, 'Enjoy the Small Stuff', Art and Design by Parade - Parade Handmade Ireland

I love positive expressions to subtly brighten every day. So these all over printed tote bags of spun polyester 15'' x15'' with denim straps which can carry up to 44lbs or 20kg no less, are a great long term option for carting around all the stuff you need and spreading positivity wherever you go!


Check Out Our Printed Tote Bag Stock & Other Great Printed Accessories Here!


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