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Why Fingerless Gloves Remind me of Oliver Twist

Amanda Coen

Fingerless Gloves

Pink Felt fingerless gloves made from a recycled wool jumper by Parade - Parade Handmade


Fingerless gloves immediately make me think of Fagan in Oliver Twist, counting money feverishly like the miser he was. The style brought to mind would be black knitted ones but with half fingers and not actually fingerless. So that's an immediate contradiction right there.

It sounds as though I might stick my nose up at the mere mention of 'fingerless gloves'  but in actual fact I always have a black pair knocking about. I don't know exactly why I got my first pair but it was when I was in my twenties I think. However, I seldom chose to wear them as I feel miserly when I wear them and it's especially amusing when you count money while wearing them. Hee!

I have never liked wearing complete gloves or mittens because I have to keep taking my hands out to do things and I always have my hands into something. Then where do you put the glove you remove? This whole scenario caused me to lose gloves hand over fist and caused my mother to attach a piece of wool from mitten to mitten and glove to glove through my coats when I was young. I really hated this 'baby-ish' carry on. I think these days I could possibly start doing that for myself again.. but that's another story..

Arm Warmers Are the Same Thing

Aran style hand knitted wrist warmers in mismatching flecked dusky green, turqoise and pink by Bridie Murray - Parade Handmade

Arm warmers are really the same thing. Wrist warmers that just extend a bit above the wrist. So, long wrist warmers in fact. These days when I think of wrist warmers I think of beautiful elegant lacy affairs with beaded detailing or felt wrist warmers with beautiful colour blends and interesting designs. Something to finish off an outfit and keep your wrists and hands a little more protected but not only for practical use.

I Love that Sort of Thing

Psychedelic wrist warmers made of felt by Parade - Parade Handmade


I really love these kinds of accessories. Leg warmers, wrist warmers, cuffs, collars etc. These things that beg lace, beads and embellishments of all kinds. Highway men, Adam Ant, victoriana and nowadays steampunk style. 'Not too dark though, in style. Colour yes, but not dark style, if you catch my drift.

I like Designing Wrist Warmers

Psychedelic felt wrist warmers by Parade - Parade Handmade

 I have made various cuffs and wrist warmers over the years. For myself and for sale. Beaded ones with peyote stitch derived from the American Indians. Denim ones with white cotton frills and mother of pearl buttons.

Lately I am very into felt wrist warmers. Being a handmade business owner I like to produce things mostly by hand with the help of my noisy sewing machine only when I really need to. So far not for wrist warmers and other detailed projects I can do on my knee by the fire in the evenings.

I love the production of handmade pieces from scratch or from recycled materials. They are one off designs. Handmade from start to finish. Interesting to make because of the freedom of design. I love the doodling and the challenge of making something new and beautiful out of something old like an old woolen jumper or a shrunken new jumper ( as can happen) fortuitously sometimes. I can't seem to doodle effectively on a machine though they'e great for other projects and I wouldn't be without it. So recycling and transforming things is not only inspiring but of course there are the environmental benefits of the process to encourage.

Arm Warmers

Peach and green aran wrist warmers by Bridie Murray - Parade Handmade

Some of our Aran wrist warmers by Bridie Murray  could be considered arm warmers if truth be told. You can see them here in the image. They go under the wrist warmer umbrella but strictly speaking they are arm warmers.

I may make the distinction one of these days with my own designs. I think that could offer up lots of possibilities. I keep adding ideas to a very long list in about 10 disciplines and approaches to craft so I really have to curb my enthusiasm. Not to worry, I could still squeeze in a pair or two as an experiment out of interest....

See Bridie Murray Wrist Warmers Here

Check Out our Lace Fleece Wrist Warmers Here

Shop Beautiful Aran Wrist Warmers for Men Here


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