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Craft Life

The Guises and Sources of Creative Inspiration

Amanda Coen

The Guises and Sources of Creative Inspiration

Hi there, Are you feeling inspired at the moment? Let me tell you that I am, finally. Not for the first time, but for a while there I had been feeling a little worn out and lacking a little in the inspiration department. Inspiration can be nebulous sometimes. Don't you think? You can kind of make out what's there but on closer inspection it is nothing but vapour and too hard to nail down. I feel at odds with myself when I don't feel inspired because it leaks into all aspects of life. I fight to get back on track....

The Mystery in Whispers of Spring - Part 2

Amanda Coen

The Mystery in Whispers of Spring - Part 2

It's a mystery how things come to be, isn't it. Like us. The fact we were born at all, given the chances, is mysterious when you think of it. It's a bit like that for handmade creations and paintings too or anything at all we decide to put out into the world. To begin with only a fraction of ideas come to fruition & even considering that, there is an abundance of creativity on display all over the world. However, not every thought design or idea is developed into full being & for me there must be a good reason....

The Mystery in Whispers of Spring - Part 1

Amanda Coen

The Mystery in Whispers of Spring - Part 1

Hello there, I love giving thoughtful gifts. Do you too? At the very least I try. They should be relevant and even meaninfgful to the people they are for. That's not always an easy thing to figure out and worse, great gifts are not always easy to find either. I have tried to create a beautiful gift guide where you can find thoughtful gifts with particular things in mind to narrow down the search not for everyone in the world but for my particular customers. The detection has been done in preparation for my recent exclusive Whispers of Spring handmade gift...

Crafting Your Memories: To Personalise or not to Personalise..

Amanda Coen

Comments 1

Crafting Your Memories: To Personalise or not to Personalise..

Hello, I'm not sure how old I was but I remember my mother showing me some of her personal treasures when I was a young girl and explaining the significance of particular sentimental mementos to me. These times gave me wonderful glimpses and insights into my mother's world before I ever existed and even before she got married. I had a view, through chinks in time, to a life that was different in many ways. Key of the Door There was a silver plastic key with a '21' cut out on it representing 'the key of the door' which was a big...

'Whispers of Spring: My New Collections Quietly Unfold Behind the Curtains of Craft Workshops

Amanda Coen

Comments 1

'Whispers of Spring: My New Collections Quietly Unfold Behind the Curtains of Craft Workshops

Hello, Just like that we're off to another good start. Like a spring coiled and ready for action I have started to plan, design, collect and collate the content for my 'Whispers of Spring gift guide' containing the new collections which I will reveal in the first quarter of the year.. a date to be decided.. These thoughtful collections of unique craft pieces are typically small, due to the handmade nature of them. The members of my newsletter will get exclusive early bird access for a limited viewing time before the collections become available to the public. Make sure you...